by eric | Oct 30, 2013 | Updates
Make sure to sign up soon for the pre-team meet November 16th and the Santa Party Rec Meet on December 15th. What a GREAT fall NGTC has planned for it's students and the community!
by eric | Sep 29, 2013 | Updates
The next Heartsaver First aid/CPR training class will be open to the public on October 7th 2013 9:00 am till 1:00 pm at the Northwest Gymnastics Training Center located at 150 NE Victory, #A Gresham, OR 97030 Phone: (503) 492-4115. (Located behind Keith Guns off...
by eric | Sep 20, 2013 | Updates
NGTC will be hosting a First Aid/CPR training class taught By Heartbeat Medical and Supply's, Yonty Urrutia. The class will be October 7, 2013 from 9AM to 1PM. The public is welcome to join this class. Please call 503-492-4115 for details....
by eric | Sep 16, 2013 | Updates
NGTC is proud to offer words and lessons for a lifetime of success offered on our Twitter Page. We encourage you to follow-us at for updates and Tweets from the great staff of coaches at NGTC, and others around the gymnastics and sports...
by eric | Aug 27, 2013 | Updates
Introducing NGTC B-day Parties on Monday, Tuesday and Friday day times (anytime before 12:30). These will be the same fun, quality birthday parties you are used to from NGTC, just during the weekday! These parties will be for the introductory price of...
by eric | Aug 26, 2013 | Updates
Thanks to everybody that came by to see us at Fairview on the Green! It was very fun seeing so many friends! Oaks Park sounds like it was wet in the beginning with a GREAT ending! To all that endured the weather and stayed, thank you! ...
by eric | Aug 1, 2013 | Updates Click on this link to get all the latest NGTC details!
by eric | Jul 26, 2013 | Updates
Do to an overwhelming demand, NGTC is now offering an afternoon session of our wildly popular day camp, from August 5th to August 8th. The afternoon camp will run from 1 to 5. You may also add the afternoon to your child's current morning camp option....
by eric | Jul 21, 2013 | Updates
NGTC is becoming known as the most positive coaching experience for your son / daughter as we teach Habits for a Lifetime through the sport of gymnastics. As part of the whole experience, we invite you to follow us on Twitter for many professionally produced positive...
by eric | Jul 18, 2013 | Updates
I know a lot of you have asked for t-shirts. They are in and ready for you to come by and purchase! We will see you tomorrow at the Wood Village Night Out. We perform at 7:00. Parents Night Out OPEN Gym will be 7-10...